19 Kislev at Headquarters

On a typical evening, you’d walk through the entrance to Mironova and expect to hear the sounds of ping pong balls and playstations. Not any more.

For the past four weeks, all you could hear in Mironova was the sound of boys studying Tanya and Maamorim by heart. They got up early in the morning to go to the Mikva, and spent their free time after school saying Chitas. Each Farbrengen got more intense as the boys took on new Hachlotos, preparing themselves for the New Year of Chassidism.

“Mivtza Yud-Tes Kislev” reached its climax yesterday. A large ceremony was held and the winners of the prizes were announced. Coming in first place were: Misters ?-?-? Sulai and Moshe Olshevsky. With G-d’s help, they will pack their bags in a few weeks, and board the plane to spend Yud Shvat in 770!

Berel Chupin came in second place, receiving a Sony PSP. There were many other prizes including a Kodak 5MP camera, four 3.2MP cameras, gameboys and lots more.

The program was a huge success, filling the fifty boys in Yeshiva with a special energy and excitement that will no doubt continue throughout the year and help bring “Moshiach Now!”


CGIforever said...

Mazal tov to Mr ?-?-?, and Moshe!
looking forward. sitchas, shto vi znayite shto vi preyedite, nachinayetsa nastayashi Hachana!
Happy New Years!

Anonymous said...

what's with m. bolshak?