I am making a public call to every YEKAHEAD out there. It doesn't matter what year you were in YEKA.
Please post a check-in.
What the shnowzal is a check-in? Good question.
If you have time: post what your up to in life.. where in the world you are.. and any other info. of your current living condition..
If you're a busy yekaman (ie.. you just moved to California and looking for a place to call home): Just post who you are, where you are and what your doing..
Post it all in "comments" to this message and Yanky will compile them and make a posting out of them..
Who: Sumashedshie Mendy
Where: Crown Heights, New York these days
Whacha Up To: I'm hosting the world famous news show.. www.chabadnewsonline.com I'm also learning in kolel.. and goin crazy... the only way!
who: Ht' Yossi Teleshevsky
What: : alive and kicking yeka head
Why: cause im there
When: for now
Where:in oholei torah
Whach up to: musicle chairs (its a yeshiva thing)
who: Yossi Teleshevsky
Why: cause my brothers in YekaHQ
When: for now
Where:in oholei torah
Whach up to: musicle chairs (its a yeshiva thing)
Who: Akiva Danzinger
Where: Toronto, i dont want to say where... ok fine, Canada.
Whacha Up To: i dont want to be arrested so i wont say... but you know the good old music, video, writing, fighting, and all the other stuff we love todo...
Who: Yanky
Where: Crown Heights
Whacha Up To: Keepin Yeka alive... and making some Rebbe videos on the side...
Who: Reuven
Where: state of confusion, LHR on the way to West Africa for Chanukah.
Why: The feds are chassing me, and there is a sale going on out there for domestic help..
Who: Dovid
Where: Gaza Strip, 770
What's Up: Heading out on a Chanukah Shabbaton/Winter Camp "Karpaty Style" with Michoel and Moshe
Why: 'cuz i miss dneper and it's cheaper to go to pennsylvania than buying airfare to Karpaty (that doesn't mean i'm not going sometime)
Message: Make someone else's Chanukah Happy, and your pretty sure to have one yourself!
Headquarters have just relocated to the westcoast.... LOL okay maybe just a satellite branch!! but anyway, just touching base.... things a little hectic.... as soon as I find a place to call home I'll check back with everyone! All the best!
hi. its me. meir. i live in crown heights. i go to yeshiva in olei torah and my rebbis are rabbi segal and rabbi feldman. i love yekatrinoslav.
good night. my mommy said its way past my bedtime.
hu: crazy phil
wear: upstate ny (shterns yeshiva)
doing: learning, giving a shiur
wut els: hanuka tzevoim-cleveland
wut els: going to sleep
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