happy birthday Michoel Fedosov on his 17th birthday!!!!

may he continue to give the rebbe nachas. Thank you all the dedicated staff that put there heart and soul into making michoel grow and flurish as a chassidishe boucher, may we continue to get nachas from him!!!!!


meirkrg said...

S Dnem rojdeniya, Michoel!!!
i LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!

the MironovaFamily :) said...

mazal tov Michoel dorogoi,
and to you mendel, you should know that this video is worth a more then a million dollars, its poshut emeseh chsidishe nachas for all us former yeke members.
It brought tears to my eyes, seeing such varimkait, such love, such achdus, the rebbe loves you, may you go from streghth to streghth, with peiros begaloi!
