Reb Zelig
We would like to give credit where its due and say thank you to Reb Zelig his wife Leah,Daniela,Menachem Mendel Chosid Rebbe and ShimonBrez for their constant dedication and love that they show the Mironova family and taking personal interest in our liefs and constantly inspiring us to constantly go upward in our avodas hashem and keeping us besimcha.And may Hashem bless you to keep on going from strength to strength with overwhelming happiness constantly and health and everything you need and keep on leading the Rebbes city from one milestone to another for many years.
And thank you for spending the past two Shabbosim with us to start the new program where family's from the community spend Shabbos with the Mironova family.
Hey Zelig!
Were still waiting to hear from you hear at O'hare Intl airport/Chabad!
Need a mikvah, Free Shower, Russian style meal, трудно напиток! you name it we've got it!
The nearest Chabad house to O'hare (10 min. away) call us @ (847) 296-1770 or visit and search "visiting" for the whole kosher Chicago listing!
Zelig says
thank you Abrasha I continue to daven thanks to you and your patience. You opened a new world of authentic Yidishkite and I will be always very grateful to you.
Keep in touch,
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