Mazal Tov YOSSI TARAN on his 10th. Birthday!
Wishing you a fun filled year, And continue to grow in a Chsidishe and happy way, together with the entire Mironova family! much nachas to your parents (including your mommy's and tatty's in the joint...) and to be a true example to your mother and older brother's (remember who made they'r Bris first...Then the whole crew followed)
Yossi, your a true Soldier!
Mazal tov, wow 10 whole years! you should have a year filled with growth, and good things.
i think this means that mironova needs new malishey!
btw, good luck on learning how to rollerblade one footedly!
Taraska! Mazal Tov!
Yossah kak dilooshkah
my love my boobaleh how are you HAppy B-day may you grow up to be a chassid yerishamayim and a lamdan
and wishing alot of happy B-days and a lot of presents
Moshaiach NOW!!!!
Mazal tov mazal tove yossi from Michoel Mishi and Yitta, (and the other bunk aleph counsler>
good shabbos
Thank you all very much for posting your comments and wishes, you have no idea how much it means to us back here in krenitz, Good shabbos to you and don't forget to drink for us, because we're looking out for you...
Hey great blog. Love the guns. Good luck!
RKR Enterprises
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