Were Going To Eretz Yisroel!!
In order for the boys to earn the opportunity there has been a very motivating program set up where they have to earn $1,000 by excelling in their Davening, learning and general behavior."The boys are really exited and motivated to be real Chasidishe Bochurim" says teacher Akiva Rominovsky.
The Bochurim have been going to mikvah, learning Chitas, doing mivyzoyim (no joke) and everything thats expected from a Yeshiva Bochur and at the same time enjoying it too!
We are really having nachas from yhe Bochurim! and so should you!
how can staff earn a thousand bucks towards a ticket?
btw gentlemen, from what i hear (even from the kids), it's really taken off. They've been putting tefillin on people, learning chitas, and are just overall pumped.
Attn. HQ,
Any new developments on the missing parents front?
Also, just to keep things in the right perspective, let's not forget that the Aron is in Mezhibuzh (a.k.a. 770), k'maaseh hayadua, so let's keep pumping there too.
Heck, I think I'm gonna quit my job and head back over there... these kids are bringing in more than I am!
2nd year ? lol
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