A Big Mazal Tov To Daniel Ovcherenko On his Bar-Mitzva


Greetings and blessings,

In response to your informing me of your reaching the age of mitzvos,

May it be the will of Hashem that you should grow from the age of 13 for mitzvos to the age of 15 etc., as in the ruling of the Mishnah (Avos Ch. 5), and you should increase with great diligence your study of Torah, both Toras HaNigleh and Toras HaChassidus and you should keep the mitzvos in a beautiful manner, and Hashem should grant you success to be a Chassid, G-d fearing and a Lamdan.

With blessing


COL Features Visit to Dneper

Bris day at Yekatrinoslav Pesach Camp 67

Chernobyl Talents

Pic Of The Day

Breaking News

Unconfirmed sources are reporting that Ukrainian president Victor Yushchenko is negotiating with the Yeka authorities to change campsites from the relaxing Bella Nova to the Chernobyl area for the upcoming summer. Our sources say that Mr. Yushchenko who is known to express a deep love for the Yeka family is believed to have said “that I believe a move to the great city of Chernobyl would blow up overall size of camp by atomic proportions”. The Chernobyl area is known to raise immensely the skill of soccer, capture the counselor, KGB , due to the excess arms and legs that begin to grow after spending some time their . Mr. Yushchenko is also reported having said that a move to Chernobyl would greatly improve the quality of food in camp since the chernobyl area is known for its large sized produce as well for the ability to keep food hot at all times. He is quoted of saying as well “that there are great trips around the area like reactor climbing that would definitely add a new dimension to camp. The Chernobyl area is known for being the birthplace for Yeka legend Sumaschechi Phil.

Mr. Yushchenko and the Yeka Authorities could not be reached for comment.

What Do You Think?

A small peice of Yeka Land #5

Pic Of The Day

A small peice of Yeka Land # 4

Pic Of The Day

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

The Wine Tasting committee inc.
A request from the wine tasting committee: If there is anyone out there that has the famous Wine Tasting Committee picture please forward it to chasidishkiet@gmail.com
Thank You! Copyright © 2007-2007 The Wine tasting committee inc.

A small peice of Yeka Land #3

Happy B-Day!

Happy Birthday Shuey Teitelbaum 6 Iyar - Mazal Tov! A Great Year with Great Things!

Pic Of The Day

A small peice of Yeka Land #1

Pic Of The Day

Call your Campers!!!

Somewhere in the middle of some dark cold dirty alley in Ukraine lives a boy who for the week of Pesach was loved and cared about,for the first time in his life. For that week he got hot delicious meals rather than some cold rotten fish. For the week had someone who asked him “what's wrong”, instead of just beating him and telling him to shut up and go out again to beg for some more vodka. On Pesach he was inspired about judaism, Saying Moideh ani… He enjoyed putting on yarmulka and tzitzis,he loved to daven! All he needs is some T.L.C. Keep the warm spirit of Yeka alive within him!


Pic's Of the Day

A short while later.................

Color War!!

Mazal Tov Another One Bites the Dust!

We all here in Yeka Wish YPHC Liebel and *&^%$# a Binyan adie ad and much chassidishe nachas from the kids.......(to be)! G-d willing have the wedding with the Rebbe in jerusalem!

Pic Of The Day

Is your life getting complicated

Are you tired of all those pests, cockroaches with big mouths, all that litter in life, and want to have them removed for good?!? the HuskyRusskis are the guys for you. just email us at huskyrusskis@gmail.com for all your dirty needs!

Changes of clothing, tickets to Uganda, and new passports are all included in the deal. Must provide new river for dumping due to rising waters in the denepr which experts have been quoted saying is from to many cement boots. We have a 100% guarantee you will never see them in this world again!

Smashing Success in Pesach Camp

Camp was a smashing success with 2 circumcisions and lots of inspired kids. The 30 staff spent the ten days of pesach camp 5767 in a luxurious communist camp site on the west end of the dniper river in dniproderzhinsk. There was great mesiras nefesh on the staffs part, to give the kids a wonderful and religious pesach experience, one that was well met by there well nurtured lubavicher family styled sdorim and inspiring farbrangens. Trips to the rebbes old house as well as a ferry, bowling, pi-knick, snooker and pool the kids realy had a good time. Thank you very much to all those that made this happen.