Mendel, you kick tuch, tell us where all that energy is comin from, your just off the wall, your the real shliach out there, mad soldier, the eibershter should keep pumpin you mad chayus for ever and ever. we love you and respct you!
Posted by the MironovaFamily :) 0 comments
Ariel Logvinov is Tomim Hashivua!!!!!!
baruch hashem we've been doing alot of programs for the older boys there own sunday progam, farbrangans, trips... and its really paying off. Areil goes to mikva and does chitas every day!!!
Posted by yosef 3 comments
Posted by yosef 3 comments
thats 2 down from this summers head counslers...... wow im so excited. tomarro we are making a la'chaim for you. MAZEL TOV!!!!
Posted by yosef 0 comments
Huge Mazal Tov!
A humongous Mazal Tov to our dear devoted Head Counselor, Shliach, long time Yeka head
Arele Teleshevsky
on his engagement to Mushka Hecht from Brentwood, California
We wish the Chosson and Kallah much happiness, the fulfillment of all the Rebbe's Brochos, it shold be a Binyan Adei Ad, and in a good and auspicious hour. May you continue all your wonderful work and have continued Hatzlacha.
Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov!
Posted by CGIforever 4 comments
A New Shining Star In Mironova
As well as beening tomim hashvuah Avraham earned 500 griv in the yeshiva store. All the boys did alot of mivtzoyim, they told over devar torahs, chassidashe storys, tefilin, and put up mezuzis in peoples homes it was a smashing success a gave the rebbe alot of nachas. All the boys that participated got gameboys, watches, lego.......
Posted by yosef 2 comments
mendel, 2 thombs up, its so amazing to see you all like this, so inspiering, so uplifting, and so accomplishiing, no words...
Posted by the MironovaFamily :) 0 comments
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