Is there something special about Yekatrinoslav over other camps? Why do the staff have to pay their own ticket? Who is in charge of the camp and who takes responsibility? How many kids are there gonna be in camp this year? What is a yeshiva kid? Who really owns the campsite and lake? Are there Vospitatilies in camp? What does Luba do during the year? What happend to yekatrinoslav.com? Who is the head councilor?

End of Jewish School Year for Dnepropetrovsk Students

DNEPROPETROVSK, Ukraine – In the East Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk, the school bell rang for the last time this year at the Ohr Avner Levi-Yitzhak Shneerson Day School. This June, 58 graduates are leaving the student body to pursue higher education at top universities and institutes in Ukraine, Austria, Israel, USA and elsewhere.

This Jewish school is considered to be one of the foremost schools in the city, both in terms of the education it offers its students and due to the numerous seminars offered here every year for teachers throughout the region. Since graduates are a key measure of a school's success, the ceremony to mark the academic year's end holds special importance. Those completing their studies at this time have every right to be proud since a diploma from this school has assured them the highest educational standards and a warm welcome from any college or university. The ceremony involved numerous guests, including Jewish community Chairman Grigory Korol, Director of the Jewish Agency for Israel Dmitry Apartsev, and Betsy Gidwitz, who has been a friend to the community and is a author and researcher on Jewish life in Ukraine. Chief Rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk Shmuel Kaminetsky stated, "I congratulate all graduates, parents and teachers. My six children study here, so I know for a fact that this school provides a good general and Jewish education. I am sure that children who study here are top students. I wish everybody much happiness and a great summer." Graduates now face the challenge of writing their entrance exams, with most of them feeling very confident with the knowledge the Chabad Ohr Avner school has provided them. "I'm filled with emotions because I'm leaving the school," stated Alina Siatina. "I'll surely be coming here but this time as a guest. Fortunately I won't be leaving this city, since I'll study psychology at a local university. I'm also sure I'll stick to the Jewish lifestyle I was brought up since childhood." The ceremony, held in the school yard, involved about 1,000 guests. It began with children from the Cheder reading Torah verses. After presenting student Maria Borisonnik an award for diplomas for successfully completing Jewish history studies, School Director Leodin Ganapolsky handed out the Honours Diplomas to the best students. "I remember when you first came to this school in the first grade. It was many years ago and naturally you've grown up since then. I want you to remember forever the warmth of the teachers who guided you all these years." The students and teachers then sang songs and recited poems for the graduates, who in return sang their own song about the best school they have known – the Chabad Ohr Avner Jewish School of Dnepropetrovsk.

The End of the First Stage of Studies of Jewish Traditions and History in Yeshiva

The Dnepropetrovsk Yeshiva-Ktana celebrated the end of first stage studies of Jewish traditions and history by ten year old boys. The event was attended by teachers, parents, friends and guests.

Before the graduation Meir Ben-Khaim Kogan, leading teacher of the yeshiva, held a short meeting with the kids and parents and announced the results of the year. Then Ruven Chupin, the director, spoke of special progress of some students in Jewsih history and traditions, especially he praised Ruven Pyrch, Dovid Stepin, Ruven Kanevsky, Zalman Pogosian.

Ruven Chupin said, "Today we celebrate the end of the first stage of studies. During the celebration our best students received prizes and honors diplomas. And in two weeks fifteen best kids will go on an excursion to the Carpathians. Such trips improve the school atmospehe and make studies more attractive for the kids."

A part of the celebration was the graduates' performance showing their life and studies at the yeshiva which are both interesting and multi-faceted. In the morning the kids study Jewsih history and traditions and in the afternoon they go on excursions to the city museums, have outings and sports competitions, ride horses. And from July 29th everyone will have an opportunity to go to Gan Isroel summer camp traditionally organized in the Crimea.

Shnas Hatzlacha!

Mendy Luzhedsky, 11 18 Sivan, Mazal Tov!
Shmulik Tolstich, 12 19 Sivan, Mazal Tov!

Ready or not here we come

So what is Tzivois-Hashem

yoggata umotzasa

ye you, you can do it!

so what if i made a mistak i can do it again

what are you do'in here? get back to work!

!let's be ready!

are you ready to have a great time?
are you ready to have a crazy time?
are you ready for a fun time?
are you ready for a summer of a life time?
are you ready to learn?
!!!there's a awsome program now being prepaird keep tuned for details!!!
?how can you help the Tzivois-Hashem directors?
if you wish to help out please email yshlep@gmail.com

Better late than never! Happy Birthday

Mazal Tov Tyota Valya! 12 Sivan May you enjoy much continued success in your extraordinary work! May you be blessed with a lot of good, both physical and spiritual!
Yossi Taran, 9 2 Sivan, Mazal Tov! A great year, growing b'gashmiyus ub'ruchniyus!