Totya Betsy Visits Dneper

Dr. Betsy Gidwitz, formerly a Soviet-area specialist in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is now an independent consultant in Chicago. Her university degrees were earned at the University of Iowa, Boston University, and the University of Washington. Her articles on the (former) Soviet Union have appeared in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Problems of Communism, The World Today, Jerusalem Letter, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and other publications. She travels extensively in the post-Soviet states.
Betsy is a friend of the Yeka community. She visited Dnepropetrovsk many times and always gives help and support. The computer class at the school is named after her, as it was her present to the Jewish children of Dnepropetrovsk. For years, Betsy has been sending boxes full of brand new clothes for the kids in Mironova (Gap, Nike, Etc.). Dr. Gidwitz will visit the community for three days. In her itinerary there are numerous meetings with leaders and activists of Jewish revival, as well as program and project managers. She also plans to go to Nikopol and meet with people there.


The Matza was crunchy The grape juice was swell As we sat by the Seder In Gan Yisroel Between English and Russian The story was told Of the Jews leaving slavery In Egypt of old The food was so good Conditions were great Sports so exciting As together we played The prizes we got Were exceptionally nice This Gan Yisroel experience Has changed my life We thank you so much For helping this be Making this Pesach camp a reality
Thanks to Yossi and his chavrusa!


Arleh, this warning expires in 24 hours...

Happy Shavuos!

Enjoy the cheesecake!

Arele Taleshevsky B-Day the Video

A message from The Wine Tasting Committee


Being that we got our internet back this week I"H we will continue posting new videos that happened in camp. We would like to thank all our fans out there for being so patient while our servers here were down. However after our 42,132nd email complaint we decided to fight this evil enemy of ours to the end, thereby calling the Hussky Ruskies in. We will try to get to every email coordinately and give a answer. Thank You!

And were back!


After a loooong brawl with the Mafia here in Dneper we finally got our internet back!!!
Special thanks to Yossi Glick and Optima and the Husskey Russkey's for being there on our side the whole time (and the other side)

"The Cry is Answered"

In a unique collaboration between Academy Award Winning Actor Michael Douglas as narrator, Academy Award Winning Director James Moll, and Chabad's Children of Chernobyl (CCOC), "The Cry is Answered" provides an intimate view into the Chernobyl nuclear disaster - the world's worst radioactive catastrophe; the deadly problem spawned by it; and CCOC's lifesaving response.

Happy Birthday 24 Iyar

Dovid Ragavoy, 14 24 Iyar, Mazal Tov!

Happy B-Day! 22 Iyar

Happy Birthday Arele Teleshevsky! Long Time Yeka head, Counselor, Mironova Shliach, Tzivos Hashem... Have a great year, filled with great things, doing great things!

Lag Baomer Parade, CH

Lag Ba'omer in Russian

Lag Ba'omer the Rebbe said the following sicha in Russian, a message to be given over to those living behind the Iron Curtain. According to my understanding the Rebbe is encouraging Torah education, emphasizing how Soviet law mandates parents being able to educate their children as they wish, without hindrance. Just as the Rebbe would come out to the parade to the Niggun Ani Maamin, we should merit to see the Rebbe coming out this year! Note: Sorry about the lack of video at the very beginning and end of the clip.

Trying to Even Out The Beard....

Yehuda Glantz - Vocal Groove


The Good Fire

Season Two!


Well, as I sit here waiting for our epic pics that are in the possession of a Moshe Lipskier, I figured I would show some images of this city that I inhabit. Please excuse the quality, its not my camera, and its a sony, a brand that I have not figured out yet. Pizza to follow........ Good Shabbos

A small pleasurable peice of Yeka Land # 8

Yanky & Rueven this one is for you guys!

Pic Of The Day

Chazaka Letamulah Sheaina Choizeres Reikan!

Daniel"s Bar Mitzvah

Pic Of The Day