
At the new teleshevsky residence
701 empire apt 4e

Tzeischem L'Shalom

Hey guys - B"H, we are moving on Shlichus to Boston to run the kids programs at a Chabad House there.

Farbrengen tonight (Sunday, 15 Kislev) 580 Crown #004, 7:30 and on.

Donations appreciated 

Happy Birthday Glavni Kussy!!!

On behalf of the YEKA Family I would like to wish a hearty Mazal Tov to our 3rd year Glavni Vozhati on the occasion of his Day of Birth.
Farbi tonight at 305 Crown St. 10:30 till.......... YOU KNOW!!!!;)

Yeka convention

The convention was amazing, complete with registration, name tags, workshops, music and banquet. even impromptu dancing and role-call. One of the major highlights was a surprise video message from Zelig!

and .......ITS A BOY!!

With Gratitude to the Almighty we are proud to announce the birth of our Son!
We (the extended Yeka family) should all celebrate only simchos together.
We Want Moshiach NOW!

Yeka Usa convention!

check it out and stay tuned for details!